

Ana Bento is the Director of Science @ The Rockefeller Foundation. Bento leads a team of transdisciplinary researchers to shape, develop and coordinate integrative research into how data-driven modeling can end current and prevent future pandemics with a focus on climate change & health. She is a disease ecologist with a focus on ecology and evolution of infectious diseases. She earned my Ph.D. in Ecology & Evolution at Silwood Park, Imperial College London. After a MRC postdoctoral fellowship (2013-2015) @ Imperial College, Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Department, Bento took a postdoctoral position @ the Odum School of Ecology, UGA, on the ecology & evolution of vaccine preventable childhood diseases (2015-2019). She holds a faculty position @ Indiana University since 2019.
Arena Silenciosa 1
08:00 às 18:00 - CURSO PRÉ-CONGRESSO: Vigilância genômica das arboviroses utilizando chikungunya e Dengue como modelo: PCR de sequenciamento, preparo da biblioteca genômica, montagem dos genomas, controle de qualidade, análises evolutivas
17:00 às 18:00 - From trees to Public Health: como interpretar os dados
Sala 2
11:30 às 12:00 - Miniconferência: Desafios e oportunidades na integração de dados: do local ao global